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How to take control of clients work ?

Speaking of clients if you get the desired work then its time to take control of the work. This step must be approached strategically , and with great deal of care.


Be Transparent , Share the necessary Details of the Situations : Your client doesn’t need to be bogged down with personal , administrative or logistical items. They do ,however , need to know how you’ll fully service them while you are new at this job, How you will deal with the emergencies, how their projects will still be a priority and how you’llĀ  continue to deliver the same quality that you’re currently providing. Be prepared to answer these questions should they surface. convey competence ,confidence and commitment.

Answer Any Concerns your client may have : Meet face to face if possible to review the details or even a google hangout or Skype call can be helpful while you deliver the news. Again it conveys dedication and security.


Communicate , communicate and communicate : Never leave your clients in dark if you communicated occasionally with them before up the frequency with new job so your client doesn’t feel like you’re further way – even if you are.



OutSourceIOS Team


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